Live Webinar: Practical Strategies for Prosecuting CSAM Cases

When:  Feb 20, 2025 from 02:30 PM to 04:00 PM (ET)

Are you an ICAC prosecutor or are you handling child exploitation cases?

This practical presentation is designed for prosecutors and multidisciplinary team members involved in prosecuting or handling child exploitation cases. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills to effectively prepare and present CSAM cases in court.

From organizing your case and evidence for trial, preparing witnesses to testify, working with law enforcement/expert witnesses, to using technology in the courtroom, making a clean record, and working with a victim—this presentation covers all the bases. In cases involving a live victim, we will discuss trauma-centered considerations while pursuing justice for the victim.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Case Preparation and Organization
  • Courtroom Considerations
  • Evidence Presentation
  • When You have a Live Victim
  • The Appellate Record
  • After Trial Considerations